Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum
Dendrobium thyrsiflorum
Dendrobium thyrsiflorum is an evergreen orchid that produces arching cane-like stems that carry intensely packed trusses of white flowers with deep golden yellow centres. It is fragrant and immensely attractive.
How do you grow Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum?
Dendrobium Thyrsiflorum grows the best in pots and containers in a mix of bark chips and perlite. Some people also use sphagnum moss to grow the plant. We would recommend using sphagnum moss if the air in your area is too dry and hot.
How many times a year do Dendrobium bloom?
They are very easy to grow, many bloom twice a year, and their flowers often last for months. Some varieties are mature plants at 3 inches tall while others are over 3 feet tall. Large mature plants can continue to produce bloom spikes and stay in bloom nearly all year round.
Does Dendrobium need direct sunlight?
Dendrobiums need lots of light, but not direct sun. A lightly shaded south window is best. East or west facing windows are satisfactory if bright (avoid direct sun except at the beginning or end of the day). Dendrobiums can withstand hot weather if adequate ventilation and humidity are provided.
How do you keep Dendrobium blooming?
Temperature and Humidity Nobile Dendrobium need cool night temperatures in the fall and winter months in order to stimulate flower bud development. Maintain day temperatures of 70°F to 75°F (21°C to 24°C), and night temperatures of 50°F to 60°F (10°C to 15°C) until buds appear.
How long do Dendrobium flowers last?
Their flowers generally appear between February and June. The blooms can be tiny or large, in almost every colour imaginable, and can last for up to six weeks. Dendrobiums reproduce by forming baby plantlets, called keikis.
What do you do with Dendrobium orchids after they bloom?
Cut the flower stem just above the top leaf of the pseudobulb when the Dendrobium has finished flowering. You should care for the plant the same after flowering as during flowering. There is no need to repot.
Are Dendrobium orchids hard to grow?
Dendrobium orchids are a hardy, easy to grow plant with blooms that last for several weeks. In the wild they grow on trees or rocks and get their nourishment from whatever is borne by wind or rain. Like many orchids they come from tropical regions so they like warm, humid conditions.
Should I mist my Dendrobium orchid?
You should also aim to mist it once or twice a day, to replicate the humidity of its natural habitat. Every second watering, add a specialised orchid fertiliser to the water, to give it a boost of the nutrients essential for flowering.
What is the longest blooming Dendrobium?
On the contrary, there are also dendrobium orchids whose blooms last as long as 10 months, such as the Dendrobium cuthbersonii, which holds the record for the most long-lasting flower in all of the plant kingdom.
Should you cut Dendrobium flower spike?
The spike itself has no leaves or bracts. After your Dendrobium has finished flowering remove as much of the spike as possible without cutting into the leafy stem.
How do I make my orchids bloom constantly?
Follow these simple steps to help reblooming begin.
- Continue to water your orchid with 3 ice cubes once a week.
- Fertilize your orchid once or twice a month using a balanced houseplant fertilizer at half strength. ...
- Help your orchids grow by providing plenty of indirect sunlight.
- Put your orchid in a cooler spot at night.
How often should you water a Dendrobium orchid?
Since Dendrobiums are often large plants in small pots, they should be watered relatively frequently, sometimes as much as twice a week. Your plant should be almost dry before watering, though. Seasonally, water Dendrobiums less in the fall and winter, and gradually more as temperatures rise in the spring and summer.
What pots are best for Dendrobium orchids?
The best type of pot to use for a dendrobium orchid is a clay pot because water evaporates from clay pots faster. Chhewang covers the bottom of the pot with a layer of appropriate orchid potting mix.
Do Dendrobiums like sphagnum moss?
Sphagnum moss is an effective medium for striking cymbidium back-bulbs and those of many other orchids. It can also be used to encourage root growth in Australian native dendrobium keikis. Another use is to revive sick orchids. Plants that have lost their roots should be repotted in moss in as small a pot as possible.
Why isn't my Dendrobium not flowering?
Inadequate light is the number one reason orchids refuse to bloom or rebloom. 1 Dendrobium, cattleya, and cymbidium orchids are three popular varieties that like bright conditions, but not direct sun. If your orchid never leaves the dim confines of the house or office, you may need a grow light to achieve flowers.
Why do Dendrobium leaves fall off?
Some types of dendrobium orchids are deciduous. The leaves will yellow as the plant pulls the nutrients out of them and then all the leaves on the cane fall off. While this seems traumatic, it is a natural process for these types of orchids in their cycle to rebloom.
Do dendrobiums grow fast?
Some are deciduous and drop their leaves in the fall, and some hold on to their leaves year-round. Most species have a moderate to fast growth rate. The best time to plant is either at the very beginning of the growing season or after the orchid has finished flowering. Dendrobium spp.
Do orchids like to be crowded?
Like Goldilocks, orchids like things “just right.” While orchids love being a little crowded in their pots, every year or two it's time to re-pot. Just as an orchid won't perform at its best if its pot is overcrowded, a too-large pot will also inhibit flowering.
What temperature can Dendrobium tolerate?
Temperature and Humidity Dendrobiums are generally warm-growing orchids (with a few species exceptions), and thrive with a day temperature range between 70°F and 85°F (20°C to 30°C).
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